New You Resolution’s 2021
A short journey helps reflect what we have done in 2020 and plan our new year resolutions of 2021
My classmates and I completed this project in a week as a giveaway new year gift for all✨ We got the inspiration after we finish ‘Designing your life book’, So we decided to share those wonderful journeys from the book and self-support theory which are summarized in interactive mobile web.
The interactive site encourages the user to remind the things they have done, Things they need to get done but didn’t take any action on, and what makes them proud of themselves.
The next mission is to decide what to give more dedication and focus on in 2021, the interactive site allows users to re-balance their life score, list all goals to succeed, and prioritize those goals.
Lastly, before they leave the site, they’ll be motivated to give themself a good word and get their new year resolution’s 2021 slip.
🧾💕Don't forget to save your 2021Slip 💕🧾
2 days after we publish the website, We have 871 users who completed the journey and saved their slips.❤️
Up next
Organent  event management platform